Ben Kittell
  • Male
  • Fort Collins, CO
  • United States
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  • John Lell
  • justin nicola
  • chris towles
  • Terry E Walsh
  • Troy Sibelius
  • Tom Martin
  • Rick Newman

Ben Kittell's Discussions

4 Replies

Started this discussion. Last reply by Randy Dersham May 10, 2014.

Chine Cap Protection
11 Replies

Started this discussion. Last reply by Randy Dersham Apr 12, 2013.

Glue and Boat Soup
5 Replies

Started this discussion. Last reply by Terry E Walsh Apr 5, 2013.

How to get the Boat from CO to OR
10 Replies

Started this discussion. Last reply by Rick Newman Mar 22, 2013.

How big is too BIG?
4 Replies

Started this discussion. Last reply by Ben Kittell Feb 6, 2013.


Ben Kittell's Page

Profile Information

Fort Collins, CO
Boats I own:
Prichett's Classic Rouge River Dory, McKenzie Drifter, Rafts and Kayaks Galore!

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Ben Kittell's Blog


So its looking like Ill get the oppertunity to build another boat this winter. Many thoughts are running through my head, one of the biggest is the finish of the boat (paint, varnish, oil, etc.). After talking with a sailor I am starting to think that paint would be the best option for what I am looking for (durability, low maintenance). I have done oil before but I feel like it does not provide all that much protection, plus I would like to do epoxy fillets on the decking that I will be…


Posted on September 11, 2011 at 9:40pm

Almost ready to float!

Well, here it is. My parents asked me when I thought this boat would be finished... I said never, but hopefully I will be taking it on the colorado, Loma to Potash. Putting on finishing details.


My oar blocks had to have a nother piece of wood put in the middle bacause the lock was hitting the side of the boat otherwise.


Built decking…


Posted on April 25, 2011 at 9:41am — 3 Comments

Rouge still coming along

Well some how I have made it this far, with much help from all of the folks on woodenboat. I would like to thank you all for all the help and advise through out the past few months. My Rouge is down to the finishing details: oar blocks, sanding, oiling, etc. Here are a few pics over the last weeks:


Got all the decking cut and in place, there are some sizable gaps where the decking should be closer to the boat, but they will be taken care of by the 5200 edging. The biggest one…


Posted on April 17, 2011 at 4:28pm — 2 Comments

Rouge Coming Along

After I got back from a 6 day Cataract trip I went straight to work on the boat (I think even the night I got back after the 6 hour drive) and have been working ever since. I had the bottom installed the day before I left and cleaned the garage.

When I got back I flipped her over and started on the interior framing.…


Posted on March 29, 2011 at 10:02pm — 5 Comments

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At 7:41pm on May 13, 2011, Terry E Walsh said…
You get that boat in the water yet?
At 5:14pm on April 9, 2011, Terry E Walsh said…
That will work and should do fine, I put an extra sheet on mine towards the front were it takes the most hits..... I think you might be in deeper water,... I just use my boat to fish and there are alot of shallow parts to the river in the winter.
At 8:53am on April 9, 2011, Terry E Walsh said…
I am sure you are doing just fine! My cell Number is 556-0565, call anytime you want or need to and I will do what ever I can to help you out. How many sheets of glass are you putting on the bottom?
At 8:04am on February 9, 2011, Roger Fletcher said…
Hi, Ben. The bottom length on the Rogue dory is right at 15-feet, plus or minus a half-inch or so. There a couple of typos in the book's plans that you will probably catch, and probably be able to figure out on your own. Am traveling at the moment but send me a direct email ( and I'll get the corrections to you as soon as I get back to the shop later this week.
At 5:05pm on February 8, 2011, Terry E Walsh said…
My e-mail is Let me know, I will help u get started with the epoxy and the cloth. And by the way we are not really that civilized!
At 10:55am on February 6, 2011, Terry E Walsh said…

Dont sweat it, I live close and will come help you when you start that process. Terry

At 2:09pm on February 5, 2011, Terry E Walsh said…
Hey I got everything everthing I needed to rebuild my woodie from Sears trostle and Fort Collins plastics last winter. I live around the Fort if you really needed help.Good luck it is alot fun!

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